Do you go hiking or picnic too often? If yes then you must have to carry the gun with you because you never know when and how the gun is going to come in hand. But sometimes keeping the gun in the bag or pocket is risky and it is hard to find the small gun from the bag.
The best way to carry a gun is to use a knife shoulder harness. But for some of us buying a leather harness is costly and we choose not to buy it. But did you know it is possible to make a Knife Shoulder Harness at home? Yes, knowing the proper way of “How to Make a Knife Shoulder Harness” is super easy if you follow the right procedures. Checking the Shoulder Holster Shield 9mm will be helpful as well.
Why you Should Use a Knife Shoulder Harness
There are a lot of advantages to using a Knife Shoulder Harness. One of the advantages of this shoulder harness is that it is less visible than the huge dog-tag neck knives on the market.
Furthermore, it is considerably more accessible if you are in a ground battle because it travels about less than a throat knife. It takes only a few seconds to get the knife when you need it.
Even if someone is on top of you, you can reach it with your same-side hand as long as it isn’t trapped beneath you. For more suggestions, you can read about Paddle Holster.
How to Make a Knife Shoulder Harness
To start with, you will need around six feet of paracord or equivalent diameter rope (3/16″ but 1/8″ would probably work), which you can get for a few bucks online or at Walmart in the craft department or Hardware store.
If you want it to show through your clothing less, remove the guts; if you want it very flat, press it between two pieces of t-shirt material; it will be permanently flat. Anyway, other than a knife or other stuff to hang from it, this is the only thing you need, thus it’s free/cheap.
Fold the cord in half so that you have one large loop and both ends are together. Next, tie an overhand knot around the center, but don’t tighten it yet since we’ll alter it later.
Most neck knives have holes in the bottom of the sheath for the lanyard to pass through and the chain or cord ties behind your neck, so we’ll thread the two ends of our cord through one or both of those holes and tie them in a simple overhand knot.
Finally, test it on by inserting your “strong side” arm through the loop, then grabbing the second loop that runs from the overhand knot to the knife and inserting your “weak side” arm into that loop. The first thing to double-check is that the overhand loop in the middle of figure eight is in the center of your back.
If you’re doing it by yourself, you may have to take it off and on a few times to get it where you want it. Be patient, and after you’ve got it where you want it, tighten it up.
The next step is to position the knife. If you produce a perfect figure eight, the knife will be in front of your shoulder; we want it beneath. It is better to allow some slack through the one that comes over the shoulder. This helps the knife and takes up some slack on the one that comes under your arm to the knife, then tightens up that knot.
You now have a simple, comfortable, practical, low-profile, and, most importantly, free method of carrying your neck knife. If you become confused when making it, just go back to the previous step you performed successfully and review the following step; anyone can accomplish it with a little patience.
Final Words
Now you know how to make a knife shoulder harness, it is quite easy, right? Now grab all the necessary materials from the market and start making one by yourself.
Try to buy good materials, it may cost a bit more but the end result will be amazing. And the knife shoulder harness will be durable and reliable. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to let us know.

Mark Robinson is a sportswriter for various companies. He received his B.A. from the University of Washington in 1999, majoring in journalism. He specializes in sports reports. As he believes in love to create, to share, and to make people smile.